Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vintage Halloween Pictures - Weird, Creepy and A Blackface Costume

Three clown kids--always a Halloween staple!

This pic from 1959 of a young Crusader 

 These two ladies prove you're never too old for Halloween!

I have no idea what's going on here. Probably not even Halloween related, but it's weird... 

Sorta looks like a deleted scene from Clockwork Orange... 


From 1961, back when blackface was apparently A-OK...

Happy Halloween everybody! Wish I had time to post more stuff!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Empire Ghost Blow Mold / Vintage Pictures

Wow, wish I had more time to post, but I'm in the midst of pre-production on another film. Another Halloween that's gonna fly by too fast...

Here's two different ghost blow molds. The first is Empire brand(front and back pic), and I think the second is called General Foam(both sides).

Here are a couple of vintage pics I came across. The one shows some kids in their classic costumes, while the second has a couple of girls hula hooping, but you can see some vintage Beistle decorations on the wall behind them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Halloween 2019 Approaches

Summer's winding down, and I see more and more countdowns to Halloween.

So first up is this pretty cool tutorial on how to make fake rotten pumpkin decorations.

Then we have some neat Zest Soap masks from the 1960's. Very Ben Cooper like.

Lastly--not sure who made this thing, but it's from 1989 and I guess is supposed to be the Jack Nicholson Joker...

More weird Halloween goodness to come!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019

More Ben Cooper / Empire Ghost Blow Molds

As long as I live, I will never tire of seeing Ben Cooper masks. These are a few I'd never seen before.
Astronaut, clown and Medusa.

I've always enjoyed blow molds also. These are a couple I wouldn't mind owning, and probably will sooner or later...